Help Me!

Hello Reader!

I am an English online teacher. I need tips or suggestions from you guys on how shall I give my lessons to first time ESL students. I know it’s awkward to hear this from a “teacher” but since we are in a world with many different cultures and strategies. I just want to get an idea/ideas from you.

I really appreciate your time for reading this and for sharing with me your brilliant ideas! Thank you so much! Have a great day!

-Venus ❤

How to Connect

Hello fellow bloggers!

This post is for all of you…

I am a blogger who wants to use the power of the social media to connect to everyone.

Note: When I say “everyone”, I mean to the whole world, it doesn’t matter what your Nationality is. I just want to be friends with you and discover many different cultures.

I just created this blog site with the help of ( Thank you so much! )

And I never imagined that bloggers would like my posts. 😀 Seriously!

I want to thank them!

For appreciating and for motivating me to write more!

I am looking for ways on how I could connect to you.

I followed you guys back.

I even followed you on Twitter. haha! 🙂

But I never got a feed back. 😦

Well the truth is.

This blog is intended for ADVERTISING.

But, when you guys popped out on my Notifications List.

I didn’t know just what to feel!

I hope to the readers of this post that you may help me. ^_^

My Sincerest Thanks to all of you.

– Venus ❤

From an English Teacher

When you’re forced to read just to pass English class
And you don’t know what to do
Because novels are dull and dramas are daft,
And none of the stories sound true….

Just remember…

Our existence is a story told with schemes and different themes
And we live through them most every single hour,
You’d see if you just took a little look, it’s like a book,
And as we grow up the plot begins to flower

Our lives unfold in stages, and are written down on pages
in a book that’s hidden deep within our souls.
This dear town is just a setting and the people that you’re getting
to know well are only characters and roles.

Every victory or failure can be thought of as a tale you’re
gonna tell when asked “what happened to you today?”
And the funny little bits that happen when you use your wits
can be the funny things in dramas or in plays.

When you’re doubting why we read, then here’s something you should heed:
Your life is like a story, told in days.
And if that’s just not enough, then, dear students, that’s just tough,
Cuz you’re gonna have to read shit anyway.

Actions Will Always Speak

Actions speak louder than words,
a common phrase I once lived by.
I got used to how actions yell,
drowning out the meaning of words.
I reached a point where the noise
was deafening, knew what I had to do.
The negatives bit me, but I knew
I had to cleanse myself of the toxic.

But now, actions speak louder than words,
and I ignore them, sweep them away.
Now I sit in silence as crickets sing to me,
and I wonder why I do so.
The actions are clear, true cues of like,
but I will always explain them away.
Why? Because I don’t want my heart cracked.

Learn English by Heart

Are you having a difficulty in speaking English?

Do you want someone to talk to in order to enhance your communication skills?

Do you want to learn English in a fun and easy way?

Well, worry no more because I am here to help you every step of the way!

I am Teacher Venus.

Together, let us enjoy studying English effectively!

Let us discover different cultures and connect to the world!

You see, it’s never too late to start learning English.

It’s never too late to break the walls, reach the gaps and build connections through the power of the English Language!

With my help, I assure you a fun and a great learning experience,

for I am very patient and I understand the difficulties that you have in studying a new language.

Let’s do it together!